Semen Division
Semen Division
For upgrading the cross bred program with foreign germplasm we import pure bred semen of Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Red Dane and AFS semen, also pure Sahiwal semen with 80-90% sperms through M/s Holland Genetics, Holland and M/s Swiss Genetics, Switzerland. We supply a wide range of artificial insemination equipment both of French and German method. As for genetics, our philosophy is based on proven practical breeding. Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls are our main business, but in fact we offer all kinds of breeds for dairy, beef and dual purpose, such as MRIJ, Jersey, and Brown Swiss. Not to forget our Belgian Blue bull for crossbreeding. We achieve cattle improvement by advising the best suited bulls for our cows, a selection rooted in cow families which have proven themselves on dairy farms

Cross Breed Cows
Crossing Friesian-Holsteins with Jersey cows produced an animal midway in size between the two parents and with the advantages of both. Such cows have good udders and excellent longevity and calve easily. Their gestation period is seven days less than Friesian-Holsteins.
Crossbreeding Beef Cattle
The economic climate of today’s beef business is challenging. Commercial cow-calf producers are faced with optimizing a number of economically important traits, while simultaneously reducing costs of production in order to remain competitive. Traits such as reproduction, growth, maternal ability, and end product merit all influence productivity and profitability of the beef enterprise. Implementation of technologies and systems that both reduce costs and enhance productivity is essential. One of the oldest and most fundamental principles that has a positive influence on accomplishing these goals is crossbreeding.
Why Crossbreed?
The economic climate of today’s beef business is challenging. Commercial cow-calf producers are faced with optimizing a number of economically important traits, while simultaneously reducing costs of production in order to remain competitive. Traits such as reproduction, growth, maternal ability, and end product merit all influence productivity and profitability of the beef enterprise. Implementation of technologies and systems that both reduce costs and enhance productivity is essential. One of the oldest and most fundamental principles that has a positive influence on accomplishing these goals is crossbreeding. Crossbreeding beef cattle offers two primary advantages relative to the use of only one breed: 1) crossbred animals exhibit heterosis (hybrid vigor), and 2) crossbred animals combine the strengths of the various breeds used to form the cross. The goal of a well-designed, systematic crossbreeding program is to simultaneously optimize these advantages of heterosis and breed complementarity. Heterosis or hybrid vigor refers to the superiority in performance of the crossbred animal compared to the average of the straightbred parents.