Our Farm
We Have One Goal
Agriculture is considered the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, which relies heavily on its major crops. Pakistan’s principal natural resources are arable land and water. Agriculture accounts for about 18.9% of Pakistan’s GDP and employs about 42.3% of the labor force. In Pakistan, the most agricultural province is Punjab where wheat and cotton are the most grown. Mango orchards are mostly found in Sindh and Punjab provinces that make Pakistan the world’s 4th largest producer of mangoes. Pakistan’s largest food crop is wheat. Pakistan is a net food exporter. Pakistan exports rice, cotton, fish, fruits (especially Oranges and Mangoes), and vegetables and imports vegetable oil, wheat, pulses and consumer foods. The country is Asia’s largest camel market, second-largest apricot and ghee market and third-largest cotton, onion and milk market. Outdated irrigation practices have led to inefficient water usage in Pakistan. 25 percent of the water withdrawn for use in the agricultural sector is lost through leakages and line losses in the canals. Only a limited amount of the remaining water is actually absorbed and used by the crops due to poor soil texture and unlevelled fields. Tunnel farming is the most profitable business in agriculture especially if we consider the extreme poor people in the villages. They are the people who can change their life in comparatively less period but this skill is not introduced/ promoted to the poorest people of the farmer community.

The livestock sector contributes about half of the value added in the agriculture sector, amounting to nearly 11 per cent of Pakistan’s GDP, which is more than the crop sector. The Economic Survey of Pakistan (2010-11) indicates that the national herd consists of 24.2 million cattle, 26.3 million buffaloes, 24.9 million sheep, 56.7 million goats and 0.8 million camels. In addition to these there is a vibrant poultry sector in the country with more than 530 million birds produced annually. These animals produce 29.472 million tons of milk (making Pakistan the 4th largest producer of milk in the world), 1.115 million tons of beef, 0.740 million tons of mutton, 0.416 million tons of poultry meat, 8.528 billion eggs, 40.2 thousand tons of wool, 21.5 thousand tons of hair and 51.2 million skins and hides. Goats are kept for milk and meat production and contribute a lot in the economic strengthening of poor people in the rural areas. Goat production is almost evenly distributed throughout the country in Pakistan. Fishery and fishing industry plays an important role in the national economy of Pakistan. With a coastline of about 1046 km, Pakistan has enough fishery resources that remain to be fully developed. It is also a major source of export earning. Aquaculture is also a rapidly developing industry in Pakistan. Especially the Punjab Province has demonstrated rapid growth in fish farming. GIFT Tilapia culture has also been introduced quite recently in Pakistan especially Punjab province. According to different reports it is clear that 21 % people are below poverty line in Pakistan. Among these there are people who are living in extreme poverty who don’t have any regular source of income and need to be involved in some income generating activities at priority.

Our History
Agri Stock Solutions was founded in 2013 and has become one of the bigger companies of its kind since that time. We are involved in the import, export and wholesale of Dairy animals, Agriculture products and seeds. Our clients are retailers, pet shops, zoos, breeders and pet lovers located in the Pakistan and Afghanistan. In addition to providing agriculture inputs, Agri Stock Solutions are also involved in training agriculture and livestock farmers in the field of modern agriculture practices.
Who we are
Agri Stock Solutions is an agribusiness company registered in Pakistan for the purpose of agriculture and livestock farming, provision of Agri & livestock trainings, provision of Inputs including seed, feed for dairy animals and mechanization of agriculture. Products are made with great area, and marked with our quality seal of recognition. We undertake various rigorous quality control tests at all stages of procurement / processing to ensure quality end products. All processes are undertaken by employing state-of-the-art technology and equipment. Therefore, we take pride in the fact that Agri Stock Solutions is recognized and appreciated by the Customers as one of the leading Companies in Pakistan that are providing pure and quality products.
Agri Stock Solutions
Agri Stock Solutions is an innovative international seed company, active in research, plant breeding, seed production and processing, sales and marketing of hybrid Fruits, vegetable and fodder seed varieties. The company’s strategic is to develop new hybrids with novel traits of quality, taste, flavor, uniformity, high nutrition values, shelf life, combine with high yield and environmental friendly. The hybrid varieties are suitable for the commercial outdoor or greenhouse growers as well for plant raisers, for the professional sectors. Agri Stock Solutions SEEDS leads to a significant contribution for the fruits and vegetable value chain and meets the present and future needs of the customers. Agri-Stock has strong research collaborations with leading international research institutes in purpose of developing new traits and innovative varieties.
Our Mission
Agri Stock aims to be the number one supplier of livestock, meat, hay and grain in Pakistan and other export markets, in terms of quality, volume and after sales service. Our supply chain partners and breeders practice efficient farm management systems with an emphasis on animal welfare, nutrition and traceability. Quality assurance is a priority. Our highly experienced team can source the best livestock in Pakistan at the most competitive prices.
Our Vision
“We aspire to become reliable service & solution provider to our partners in dairy, livestock and agriculture sector.”

Our Goal
Our highly trained project team understands the essential elements to balance costs with time-to-market and rollout requirements. We optimize the coordination, communications, and resource usage to turn tight rollout project plans into reality.

Muhammad Saad Sadiq