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Agri Stock Solutions was founded in 2013 and has become one of the bigger companies of its kind since that time. We are involved in the import, export and wholesale of Dairy animals, Agriculture products and seeds. Our clients are retailers, pet shops, zoos, breeders and pet lovers located in the Pakistan and Afghanistan. In addition to providing agriculture inputs, Agri Stock Solutions are also involved in training agriculture and livestock farmers in the field of modern agriculture practices.
Fresh & Healthy
100% Organic
Animals Import and Export
Agri Stock Solutions imports and supplies pure and cross bred dairy cattles, 100% pure bred semen of Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Red Dane breeds of cows. As cross breeding programs have been widely adopted and are being implemented by the government of Pakistan, so in order to bring a drastic change in the blood line of our local cattle, we have also adopted cross breeding programs on a large scale basis and have achieved extraordinary success.

Semen Division
For upgrading the cross bred program with foreign germplasm we import pure bred semen of Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Red Dane and AFS semen, also pure Sahiwal semen with 80-90% sperms through M/s Holland Genetics, Holland and M/s Swiss Genetics, Switzerland. We supply a wide range of artificial insemination equipment both of French and German method. As for genetics, our philosophy is based on proven practical breeding. Holstein Friesian (HF) bulls are our main business, but in fact we offer all kinds of breeds for dairy, beef and dual purpose, such as MRIJ, Jersey, and Brown Swiss. Not to forget our Belgian Blue bull for crossbreeding. We achieve cattle improvement by advising the best suited bulls for our cows, a selection rooted in cow families which have proven themselves on dairy farms
Mobile Milking Machines
Mobile Milking Machine is the ideal solution for each kind of farming: from small herds typical of emerging countries to the modern business farm, to milk invalid or treated cows. In the dairy industry, time is very precious. With Dairy solution’s mobile milking machines, you will milk your cows in a fast and hygienic way. It definitely increases the quality and quantity of milk.

Agri Stock Solutions is committed to the management of all it’s business operations in an environmentally responsible manner. A strong compliance framework exists within the group with the objective of achieving best practice environmental management. In line with community attitudes and expectations there is a strong emphasis on achieving sustainable development and protecting the environment. Environment face varied issues such as global warming, nuclear hazards, desertification, genetically modified organisms, deforestation. To face problems head on and to the preservation of the resources for the benefit of the future generations, a number of approaches emerge, such as maintaining ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods, human well-being, ecosystem health, integrity and sustainability.